Every Streme coin comes with a staking contract with streaming rewards.
Immediately after buying a Streme coin, you can stake it for rewards. Currently, the follow parameters apply (subject to change for future token deployments):
20% of the 100B total supply is allocated to the staking rewards pool
this amount is streamed per second at a constant rate over 365 days
this stream is shared by stakers, proportionately to the amounts of their stake. If there is only one staker, they receive 100% of the stream. If there are 2 stakers, Bob and Alice, and Bob has staked 100 and Alice has staked 900, the Bob receives 10% of the stream and Alice receives 90% of the streme
There is a 24 minimum hold period for staked deposits. You can unstake after 24 hours. If you do not unstake, your reward stream continues (no need to "re-stake").
If you add to your stake, the 24 hour clock is reset. For example, if Bob staked 100 coins 20 hours ago, he will be able to unstake in 4 hours. But if he decided to stake an additional 10 coins, the clock is reset and he will now have to wait another 24 to unstake his 110 coins. Tip: to work around this, you can send your Streme coins to another address, and then stake from that 2nd address.
When staking, you will be asked to send 3 transactions:
. You will be asked to approve the spending of you Streme coins in order to stake them. Note: there are have been reports of some wallets presenting warnings about this transaction looking suspicious. We are investigating further.Stake
. If you are staking 100COIN
then you will send 100COIN
and receive 100stCOIN
. Your wallet may also notify of POOL tokens that represent your membership and share in the rewards pool (powered by Superfluid)Connect
. This is a one-time transaction claim/connect to the rewards pool. Note: even if you do not send this transaction, your staking rewards are already accruing. One this transaction has been sent, your balance will update in real-time to reflect the streaming rewards. Note that most wallet software will only update the balance periodically. You can see your balance update in real-time at Note: we've received a few reports of theConnect
transaction not going through. If this happens, please let us know. Another way to complete the pool connection is via the "Stream Distributions" tab for the coin on the Superfluid dashboard (see previous link).
Last updated